4 min read

Simplified Cloud Enablement & Operations with MontyCloud DAY2

New innovations cap a year of helping customers accelerate their cloud transformations


Timely adoption of cloud computing is rapidly differentiating successful businesses from the rest. In their 2021-2023 Emerging Technology Roadmap, Gartner surveyed 437 organizations over a 12 to 24 month time-period. Most organizations shared that a lack of specialized cloud talent is hindering their businesses from adopting the cloud.

IT leaders are looking for better ways to accelerate innovation, maintain visibility and control, and optimize the total cost of cloud operations. Helping customers overcome these challenges with a No-Code Autonomous approach has been the guiding vision of our team at MontyCloud.

Today we are announcing new product features and updates to the MontyCloud DAY2 platform that continue to simplify common cloud operations challenges such as Cloud Enablement, Cloud Governance, Cost Management, Security, Compliance and Cloud Automation. All these features are available to both our current customers and new customers to try at MontyCloud.com

In this blog, Varsha Mallya, Technical Product Manager at MontyCloud, shares how these features are adding value to our customers

– Venkat Krishnamachari


The features we are announcing today makes it easier for our customers to achieve their digital transformation goals. The new updates to MontyCloud’s DAY2 platform provide a simple and reliable solution for organizations to help them achieve results in three broad areas:

1. Accelerate innovation by standardizing

Standardization helps teams adopt technology more safely and rapidly, while keeping the cost of transformation low. Customers can standardize the use of cloud services by adopting Infrastructure as Code (IAC). When standardization with IAC become a priority, it is easier to enable self-service consumption, and significantly reduce issues such as misconfigurations and configuration drifts.

MontyCloud’s operations-ready IAC templates empower customers to deliver projects without them having to write code or adding any specialized cloud talent to their teams.

Our customers are already delivering well-architected cloud environments with ease using our IAC templates. It is easy for customers to deliver services such as cloud servers, databases & High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments to their internal users in just a few clicks. Cloud users are also innovating faster with a project and environment-centric approach as they spin up cloud resources and perform essential workflows such as cloud file storage management in just a few clicks.

New! Environment-Centric File Storage

Cloud managers can now enable file storage and collaboration possibilities for project users for an environment-centric boundary. On demand, a secure and dedicated storage area can be created automatically created with every environment. This ensures that no one outside the environment is able to access the environment’s data. Allowed users are easily able to collaborate and share files directly from their approved laptops (or) from/to approved servers in the cloud. Teams can access these stored files from within their own environments without performing any additional configurations. With this update, customers can now perform secure uploads of output files that range up to 50GB in size.

Environment-centric File Storage

Image: Environment-centric File Storage

2. Maintain Visibility & Control

Managing cloud cost, security & compliance are complex missions. Full visibility into consumption and purpose of utilization is required to stay on top of the dynamic consumption of cloud services across the multi-account, multi-region cloud footprint. This is now easy – and comes out of the box with MontyCloud.

Achieving cloud security is more complex than traditional security and can be error prone than traditional teams were equipped to handle. Simple configuration errors that can open a storage bucket to the internet was the case with some high-profile breaches. Not all customers want to or can build specialized DevSecOps team. However, all customers are burdened with creating and managing complex identity and access roles and policies.

With MontyCloud customers can eliminate the need to manage IAM roles and policies, and still support tightly scoped role based access controls that are easy to manage.

Customers can invite users in their organization to consume selected cloud Services and deployment templates with security guardrails in place. Single Sign-on features makes it easier to integrate with Active Directory and SAML based authentication models.

New! Multi-factor Authentication

Starting today, cloud managers also can require all users do multi-factor authentication when using MontyCloud DAY2. User can leverage authenticator apps such as Microsoft Authenticator App, Google Authenticator App and more to securely connect to their cloud environments. This can be setup by cloud managers in just a few clicks from within the settings section of the MontyCloud DAY2 application.

New! 30+ Actionable & Exportable Reports

This release also improves cloud visibility by enabling our customers with 30+ actionable reports that provide insights into environment-centric cloud resource utilization, cloud cost, security posture, and compliance issues. You can also export these reports in CSV, PDF & JSON formats. (A detailed list of all the reports is included below)

30+ actionable reports

Image: 30+ actionable reports

3. Optimize the Total Cost of Cloud Operations

As customers enable more teams with cloud services, the pace of consumption rapidly increases the demand for cloud operations. As the shift from the traditional Capex models to the Opex model of public cloud becomes clearer, customers often are surprised by the rising costs. cloud bills, license costs of custom tools, and cost of specialized DevSecOps talent add to the growing total cost of cloud operations that challenge IT leaders.

Cloud managers seek to simplify routine operations, foster better collaboration between teams, and optimize the dynamically growing cloud footprint – all of which require integration with multiple cloud services, third-party APIs, and custom coding.

New! Meet your team where they are: on Teams, Slack, SMS, JIRA, PagerDuty

Starting today, cloud managers can integrate their services with Teams, Slack, SNS, SMS, JIRA and PagerDuty in just a few clicks. Users can receive notifications within these services for operations such as environment build status, task status, security/compliance issues and more. For example, a customer is using the SMS connector to stay on top of the status of their servers.


Image: Connectors

New! Save cost by optimizing instances & volumes and deleting wasted resources

New automations in MontyCloud make it easy to automatically identify Amazon GP2 volumes. You can run a report to identify volumes that can be optimized & in few clicks, convert these volumes to GP3 and reducing costs by 20%. You can also now easily detect and delete wasted snapshots & resize instances that need optimization.

Cloud Cost & Optimization Reports

Image: Cloud Cost & Optimization Reports

New! Automate routine operations using Intelligent Cloud Rules

Customers can also setup intelligent cloud rules that automate routine operations. For example, it is easy to create rules that shutdown resources in test environments on Friday evenings or kick off a custom workflow when another process is completed. Cloud Rules can also automatically react to monitored security events (ex: Is a port open to the internet?) and compliance events (Such as HIPAA violations) and automatically create tickets in JIRA for resolution, powered by the MontyCloud Compliance Bot. Built-in task automations can help resolve these issues without requiring custom coding.

Image: Environment centric rules

Together, these improvements are helping our customers deliver excellence in Cloud Operations without adding specialized Cloud talent to teams. You can check out MontyCloud DAY2 and achieve excellence in CloudOps. Try for FREE!

Detailed list of Reports

Cloud Security reports


Cloud compliance reports


Cloud cost and optimization reports


Cloud Inventory reports

With our approach, our customers are adopting and modernizing their businesses with the public cloud 3x faster than their goals and lower their costs up to 70% than their own predictions.

We invite you to try MontyCloud for free here. If you have questions on how your team can simplify and optimize Cloud Operations without specialized talent, our team will be happy to listen and share proven ideas. (Contact@MontyCloud.com)

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